Our 20s is such a special and formative time.
It’s when we grow into ourselves, discover our passions, and set the foundation for our adult life.
But growing into yourself is not an easy process.
This is the time you’re figuring out where you fit into the world – which career path to choose, which friends circle to keep, where to live, how to transform yourself into an independent adult…
You’re making bigger decisions that have greater consequences and learning how to handle the repercussions of your actions. It makes sense for this time to be fraught with anxiety, depression, fear, and loneliness.
You’re the caterpillar who’s transforming into a butterfly, and the process of metamorphosis is filled with painful learning.
This period of life is confusing.
You feel lost and frustrated, knowing that life isn’t what you want but not knowing how to change it.
Maybe you know that your partner isn’t treating you well, but you’re unsure of what a healthy relationship feels like. Or you’re aware that your friendships aren’t fulfilling, but you’re unsure of your own boundaries and how to voice them in relationship.
It can be confusing to stand up for yourself when you don’t quite know how things can be better. But you do know that things just don’t feel right – that something is missing.
You’re figuring out where you fit in this world, and feeling like you don’t fit is a difficult experience.
I can help you gain some clarity.
I will help you explore your feelings of confusion and get clear on what’s not working for you. I will lead you toward the feelings under the confusion: the sadness, fear, anxiety… so that you can better understand your experience.
We can clarify your relationship values and help you learn ways to ask for what you want by setting healthy boundaries and communicating your needs effectively. We can explore your passions and interests and help you identify the right path forward.
When I was in my early 20s, I was painfully depressed.
I didn’t have the skills to talk about my feelings with friends or family, and I was afraid to let others see my pain. I closed down and isolated myself from the outside world. I pushed away close friends and sunk deeper and more completely into my world of darkness.
Luckily, I sought out therapy with a woman named Rebecca. In my time of need, Rebecca felt like my savior. For one hour a week, I could open up about my feelings and allow someone to see my pain. I didn’t have to hide or pretend. For that one hour, I experienced my only real connection of the week.
As I look back on that time, I don’t know what I would have done without Rebecca. I needed someone to know who I was and what I was going through, and, luckily, I reached out.
I encourage you to reach out, too!
Reaching out is the hardest part.
But once you do, we can meet and start building a relationship. You can have that one-hour a week to open up…
… that one hour you don’t have to hide…
… that one hour to have true connection.
Do it for yourself. Call today: (970) 673-0846.