It’s not your fault…
… that our society places WAY too many demands on women.
Really, it’s not.
It’s not your fault that you’ve received daily messages since THE DAY YOU WERE BORN about not being good enough, or pretty enough, or thin enough, or smart enough, or whatever enough.
The constant advertisements that feature airbrushed models. The TV shows that present only the thinnest and prettiest actors. The messages that women need to hold in their natural bodily functions and stay small in order to be loved.
You want to be you…
…but it feels so hard to be true to yourself without worrying about what others are thinking.
When you try to set boundaries with people, you’re judged as “uptight” and “mean.” When you try to assert yourself, you’re “bossy.”
You’re constantly trying to figure out how to express yourself and your desires in a way that people can receive, and it feels exhausting.
You deserve better…
You’re tired of taking care of everyone around you.
You’re frustrated with your role of “listener” while others get to freely express themselves.
You want to own your power by speaking your mind and stepping into leadership roles, being assertive, and owning your authority.
In our work together…
We will start by bringing awareness to all the ways women are subjected to negative messaging.
I will help you tune into your own internal messaging by encouraging you to turn your attention toward your feelings and sensations, which offer their own world of information.
As you get closer to your personal values, your self-confidence will increase, your self-doubt will decrease, and you will step into your power, confidently paving the path you want to walk in this world.
You’re ready to do this, so let’s get started!
Learning to show up in your power can feel scary, but it’s a risk worth taking.
Don’t allow yourself to settle for only the “listener” role – you’re ready to step up and express yourself freely and confidently.
Call now for a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation: (970) 673-0846.